Exploring The Blue Flamingo

By Paula Wright
Come with me on a visual adventure!
Some of you may have driven by this understated and what seems very small building brightly colored blue with a pink and blue flamingo outside, but have you gone in? Well, come along with me and let me take you on a tour of The Blue Flamingo.

As you first walk up, you are greeted by a welcome sign. Turn the knob and the owner Andrew is usually at the desk welcoming you to explore the treasures both small and large, and new and old. As your eyes wander around the first room − yes, the first − will you go to the right or to the left? Let’s go to the right, where there are so many perfectly arranged treasures, nautical in nature.
As you continue to look through each room taking in everything you see, which is a lot, you then see a back door….wait. There is more. The sign says it all; there is more! As you exit into the garden area, you again have the choice to go right or go left. I explored to the right what is called The Sea Hagg Garden, which seems so familiar and nostalgic. Many of us remember The Sea Hagg from its location on Cortez Road on the right just before you hit the bridge. Well, now you can enjoy the private collection of Jan Holman, aka “The Sea Hagg” at the Blue Flamingo! As I make my way around looking up, forward, down, and really enjoying everything I see, while soaking up the Florida sun, yet another picturesque entrance leading to another area to explore.

In what is referred to as the hut, you can find more treasure to enjoy. It really has the feel of a museum, but one where you can see the items that fit your style and that you can actually purchase. You could spend hours and not see it all, as there is so much to look at and buy!
Each vendor, of which there are 25, has made every area this perfect seamless walk where your eyes are forever stimulated. Treasures are everywhere, beautifully positioned and picked by the local vendors who have a passion for repurpose and now have a place to sell their treasures. Since 2018, Andrew, the owner, has continually expanded the space − like the new spot located in the garden the space still waiting to be named!
Go on and check out this gem. There is truly something for everyone and such a shopping experience. But don’t take my word for it. Go see for yourself!