Thrift & Vintage Stores

in Bradenton
Our city has a plethora of thrift stores, enough that you can join a tour by bus to visit a handful in one day!
To join a bus tour, visit The Happy Thrifter website ( ) or Facebook page. Whether you want to save a bundle by thrifting or shop for classic upscale vintage, there’s a lot to choose from right here at home. Get out and visit these local shops and find your next piece of treasure. As not many of these shops have a website, look them up on Facebook for hours and special sales.

You Never Know Thrift
You’d think this shop was professionally decorated with the gorgeous color scheme. You’ll find beautiful furniture and decor as well as clothing, purses, jewelry and kitchen items.
5529 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton

Kyle’s Korner Gallery
& Boutique
This boutique has a lot of unique art, furniture, clothing, books, records, electronics and quite a few eclectic items. You may even
find that disco ball you’ve always wanted.
4822 14th Avenue West, Bradenton

Blessed & Distressed
Not necessarily a thrift store, but vintage and quirky decor from
more than 30 vendors and local artists. An absolutely gorgeous
shop with beautiful pieces of furniture, linens, artwork, jewelry and more.
615 59th Street West, Bradenton
Loving Hands
You’ll find a good deal of gently used clothing for everyone at Loving Hands, and you’ll be
supporting Loving Hands Ministries with every purchase. In addition, you’ll find books, records, electronics and more.
719 Manatee Avenue East, Bradenton
Where everything old is new again.
Carriage House Antiques
Not just one store, but over 500 dealers and consigners. 14 rooms full of furniture, kitchenware, books, records and decor items. You may even find a Lladro or Royal Doulton.
3307 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton
The Cat’s Meow
Not one store but a marketplace featuring upscale vintage items from artisans and vendors. From beachy decor to furniture to artwork, I doubt you’ll leave empty handed as there is something for everyone.
4307 26th Street West, Bradenton
Scavengers Marketplace AMI
The perfect spot to go on a treasure hunt, though it’s easy to get lost! You’ll find nautical and coastal decor, jewelry, handcrafted furniture, artwork, and more. Don’t miss the man cave.
5402 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, with a second store in Palmetto.
The Bungalow
A charming shop that combines old and new, you’ll find vintage furniture, home decor, and gift items from all over the world. Check out the fun dish towels as they make great gifts!
Location: 2419 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton

Unique Outlet & Thrift
A large store full of gently used clothing and shoes including quite a bit for children. You’ll also find a section of furniture, decor and household items.
Location: 5828 14th Street West, Bradenton
Kelly Stilwell is a local writer and photographer with a focus on travel and food. Visit her website, Food, Fun & Faraway Places, at